The Media Beat – August 31

The Media Beat was first commissioned in 2004 by Tribune Newspapers from journalist and media critic DAVID TERESHCHUK. It ran as a weekly feature in Tribune’s New York City daily, ‘AM New York’ until Tereshchuk took the column online in 2006. This web version has continued ever since.

A radio version of THE MEDIA BEAT appears every week on the NPR Connecticut station WHDD – live on Friday morning and rebroadcast over the weekend. THE MEDIA BEAT PODCASTS are available at iTunes and at WHDD’s On Demand page.

Tereshchuk’s media insights also appear at HUFFINGTON POST. Since 2012 his frequent television reports on ethical issues have been broadcast on the PBS program Religion and Ethics Newsweekly

THE MEDIA BEAT today comes from France, where media furore over Trump’s splitting up families has been even stronger than in US. (It’s more philosophical too, of course.)
My full column is at www.TheMediaBeat.US 

Why is it that neutral, non-human algorithms at Google automatically bring up predominantly negative search results on Trump?


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